"Landscape architecture always uses two languages:
one is its, and the other is ours."
The course deals with the methods of analyzing, evaluating and designing the public urban space (park, garden square, linear park etc.) Through practical exercises the students adopt certain stages of the landscape planning methodology from concept to detail design. They become familiar with the various
possibilities of conceptual approaches to solving complex urban and spatial themes, and appreciating the value and sensitivity of space and landscapes. The ability to recognize the features of the context, the assessment of the relationship between the scale and the purpose, the use of vegetation and architectural elements as the building material of place, will be developed.
Through exercises, students deepen their knowledge of the importance of public places to achieve urban transformation, urban aesthetics and the quality of life of the modern city. Through the individual work, skills and techniques are developed: - analyzing and recognizing the urban and landscape context, - evaluating and preserving the existing landscape and urban elements, - using a contemporary formative expression in solving landscape tasks, - displaying (graphic interpretation) of landscape places.