The course deals with the theme of sustainability and sustainable development, which are perceived through ecological, economic and social aspects. The course program includes selected topics in the field of urban and spatial planning and urban design with the aim of gathering special knowledge about the principles of sustainable development in the mentioned fields.
In the course the theory of sustainable
development and its evaluation methods are initially discussed, followed by lectures in the field of spatial planning, urban planning and urban design with a number of selected world examples of different scales, which are updated with recent examples of realized projects, plans and strategies.
The aim of the course is to enable students to comprehensively overview/perceive, understand and deepen knowledge about the concept of sustainability and sustainable development in the field of urban planning and spatial planning. Lectures and seminar papers are conceived to develop the students' ability to analyse and assess the sustainability of urban projects, plans and strategies of cities and regions, and to create urban solutions based on sustainability principles. The specific knowledge and skills that a student receives in the course will serve as an addition to the mandatory and elective courses of the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture, and as a help in further work of future architects and urban planners.
Students take the exam in the form of seminar work. The subject of the seminar work is related to one of the topics discussed in the course lectures.
The course is linked to the mandatory and elective courses of the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture, and in particular with Spatial Planning, Urban Transformations, Urban planning 3, Urban planning 2 and Spatial Planning Workshop. The knowledge gained in the course can be applied in all graduate study workshops.