To our students, teachers and employees of the Faculty of Architecture...
To our students, teachers and employees of the Faculty of Architecture,
With the thought that in these difficult moments you are all well, healthy and safe, that the earthquakes did not harm you, that it did not bring unrest to you and your loved ones - we wish you a peaceful, contented and successful New Year. May the New Year bring the health in every day, the success in all projects, the joy in everyday encounters with friends, colleagues and students, and the strength to bravely cope with challenges that surround us. May the Old Year reflect an encouragement to positive changes in challenges and to enhance together the New Year.
At the very end of 2020, the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture awarded the best student projects of the workshop courses in the academic year 2019/2020. By publishing the e-publication Student Projects Overview - Workshop Courses 2019/2020, the Department supports the work of all teachers and students of the Faculty of Architecture and provides an incentive for the most of success in academic year 2020/2021.
Student projects are the result of both teachers and students work and an overview of the success achieved in the academic year 2019/2020. In 2020 we mark 85 years of urban planning education at the University of Zagreb, and thus at the Faculty of Architecture. It is a year that has brought many challenges in conducting all activities at the Department and at the Faculty - therefore recognized as an opportunity to look back, to the legacy of urban education at the Department, but also as an opportunity to look ahead, to new approaches and to new ideas.
Remote working, which brought a challenge to the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, also marks the 2020/2021 academic year at the Faculty of Architecture. It is both an opportunity and incentive to host online exhibitions, to bring visibility and access to all interested, even outside the Faculty, and more permanent availability of presented student works.
The presented selection of student projects in the academic year 2019/2020 is an overview of tasks, work and achieved results in all workshop courses of the Department, and at the same time a presentation of the development of urban thought at the Study of Architecture and Urbanism. This encourages a comprehensive reflection on space and promotes everything we want to pass on to students, but also to the profession and to all those who in any way participate in the design and planning of cities, settlements and landscapes.
December 2020
Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture
Student Projects Overview - Workshop Courses 2019/2020 is available at the following link.