SMART-U-GREEN - Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum
Istraživački projekt

SMART-U-GREEN – Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum

Voditelji: Dr. Matthijs Hisschemoller, DRIFTPartneri: DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam, SAAD, University of Camerino, IATEUR IRCS, Université de Reims, Regio Drechtsteden, Marche Region, Grand Reims, University of Guelph, University of Zagreb, Pskov State University, EKAPRAEKT, CIVILSCAPESuradnici: Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, Ana Mrđa, Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Ana Sopina, Tamara Zaninović, Matthijs Hisschemoller, Timo von Wirth, Massimo Sargolini, Ilenia Pierantoni, Flavio Stimilli, François Mancebo, Sylvie Salles, Florian Guérin, Viktar Kireyeu, Olga Olga Likhacheva, Anton ShkarubaIzvor financiranja: HORIZON 2020 grant agreement No. 693443Trajanje: 1.1.2017.-1.1.2020.
Katedra za urbanizam, prostorno planiranje i pejsažnu arhitekturu
Kabinet za pejsažnu arhitekturu
Urban landscapes witness major transformations that affect urban landscape quality and the quality of life.

Some transformations are desirable, such as greener urban landscapes. Some are inevitable, such as changing consumer habits affecting downtown shopping areas. Urban landscape transformations come with conflicts involving many actors. Bottom-up initiatives, such as community gardens, introduce new forms of urban landscape management. Smart-U-Green will investigate these developments in urban regions in the Netherlands, Italy, and France with input from other countries. Together with local governments, local businesses, citizen initiatives and NGOs the project will develop new forms of governance.