Harriet Harriss: Interior Futures - the Edge of the Anthropocene, 19.11.2020. u 14h

Harriet Harriss: Interior Futures – the Edge of the Anthropocene, 19.11.2020. u 14h

16. studenog 2020.

"Since entering the so-called Anthropocene, whereby the evolution of the planet is largely in the hands of humans, we no longer see ourselves as separate points on a linear Cartesian plane, but—involuntarily perhaps—part of a networked, co-dependent but also contingent collective, permitted an existence by virtue of how things are, not how things necessarily should be. It’s not surprising, then, that we are also wise to the false promises of future trends: the products, spaces, and services that dangle ‘solutions’ to some of our most pressing needs. Instead, strategies, propositions, and tactics have superseded solutions and offer suggested rather than prescribed ways of doing things, void of any assurances—other than some form of transformation. When this thinking is applied to a post-CoViD context, can it be assumed that our present domesticities offer a glimpse of our future, Post-CoViD spatial typologies?"

Predavanje je u 14 sati preko Zoom platforme: Harriet Harriss (RIBA, PFHEA) je arhitektica i dekanica na Pratt School of Architecture u New Yorku. Njezin nastavnički, istraživački i publicistički rad fokusira se na radikalne pedagoške modele u arhitektonskom obrazovanju („Radical Pedagogies: Architectural Education & the British Tradition“), te reformu obrazovanja s ciljem da ono postane jednako raznoliko kao i društvo kojem služi („A Gendered Profession“). Dobitnica je brojnih nagrada za svoj pedagoški rad: Brookes Teaching Fellowship, Higher Education Academy Internationalisation Award, Churchill Fellowship, dvije Santander nagrade. Vodila je magistarski program arhitekture na Sveučilištu Oxford Brookes, te doktorski studij na Royal College of Art. 2019. godine izdala je knjigu „Interior Futures“ koja kroz niz eseja spekulira o budućim odnosima tijela i prostora, te definiranju pojmova i aktera vezanih uz unutrašnjost. Sredinom prosinca promovirat će knjigu „Architects after Architecture“ koja istražuje profesionalne sudbine arhitekata izvan prakse. Uz to je istraživanje vezan Erasmus+ istraživački projekt koji se trenutno provodi u suradnji Royal College of Art, Sveučilišta u Antwerpenu, KU Leuven, Politecnica u Torinu, Tehničkog sveučilišta u Valenciji te Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, (više na Predavanje se organizira u sklopu prvog semestra 7. generacije doktorskog studija Arhitektura i urbanizam.
Naslovna slika: Hybrid Consistency, by Vanessa Lorenzo Toquero, Interior Futures, 2017. Eds, H.Harriss, G.Brooker, K. Walker.
