
Research projects

Pogledaj sve
Exploring the Field of Interaction in Architectural Design Education eFIADE
Rad / Stručni rad
Exploring the Field of Interaction in Architectural Design Education...
Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world
Rad / Stručni rad
Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open...
Digital Archive of Residential Architecture – DARA
Rad / Stručni rad
Digital Archive of Residential Architecture – DARA
Productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration
Rad / Stručni rad
Productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration...
Heritage Urbanism – Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (HERU)
Rad / Stručni rad
Heritage Urbanism – Urban and Spatial Models for Revival and...
erifying an innovative process of complex dynamic modelling and comprehensive optimisation in energy efficient design of buildings - PoC6_1_221
Rad / Stručni rad
erifying an innovative process of complex dynamic modelling and...
Razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija za zelenu gradnju / CPD4GB
Rad / Stručni rad
Razvoj profesionalnih kompetencija za zelenu gradnju / CPD4GB
Healthy URBan Environment: Developing Higher Education in Architecture and Construction in Bosnia and Herzegovina / HURBE
Rad / Stručni rad
Healthy URBan Environment: Developing Higher Education in Architecture...
Implementation of knowledge on architecture, space and design with a contribution to architectural cultural heritage for vocational woodworking schools
Rad / Stručni rad
Implementation of knowledge on architecture, space and design...
Campus Living Lab CLL
Rad / Stručni rad
Campus Living Lab CLL
SMART-U-GREEN - Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum
Rad / Stručni rad
SMART-U-GREEN - Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations...
Edu4Games – Izrada standarda zanimanja i kvalifikacija te novih studijskih programa za područje dizajna i razvoja videoigara,
Rad / Stručni rad
Edu4Games – Izrada standarda zanimanja i kvalifikacija te novih...
Architecture's Afterlife: The Multisector Impact of an Architectural Qualification
Rad / Stručni rad
Architecture's Afterlife: The Multisector Impact of an Architectural...
CIRI-Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i inovacije
Rad / Stručni rad
CIRI-Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i inovacije
APLE/ Architecture Pop-up Lab Exchange
Rad / Stručni rad
APLE/ Architecture Pop-up Lab Exchange
Introducing Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Principles in Architectural Education: Towards Designing Climate Neutral and Inclusive Buildings
Rad / Stručni rad
Introducing Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Principles in...
Razvoj dvostruke fasade s hermetički zatvorenom šupljinom (H-CCF)
Rad / Stručni rad
Razvoj dvostruke fasade s hermetički zatvorenom šupljinom (H-CCF)
Rad / Stručni rad
Znanost spaja ljude-SCOPE
Rad / Stručni rad
Znanost spaja ljude-SCOPE
CENTRINNO New CENTRalities in INdustrial areas as engines for inNOvation and urban transformation
Rad / Stručni rad
CENTRINNO New CENTRalities in INdustrial areas as engines for...
Rad / Stručni rad
Centar pametnih urbanih i ruralnih prostora-Inovativna urbanistička i arhitektonska rješenja za povećanje energetske učinkovitosti u tradicijskim i zaštićenim cjelinama
Rad / Stručni rad
Centar pametnih urbanih i ruralnih prostora-Inovativna urbanistička...
BAUHAUS4MED-Testing New European Bauhaus Solutions for Deep Green Transformation of Cities and Regions in Euro-MED area.
Rad / Stručni rad
BAUHAUS4MED-Testing New European Bauhaus Solutions for Deep Green...
See all


Pogledaj sve
Learning Spaces in Transition – Typology for Healthy Learning Enivironments
Rad / Publikacija
Learning Spaces in Transition – Typology for Healthy Learning...
The Other Design History
Rad / Publikacija
The Other Design History
Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic Core and their Redevelopment
Rad / Publikacija
Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic...
Rethinking Vitić
Rad / Publikacija
Rethinking Vitić
Remetinečki gaj - the Beginning of a Systematic Urbanization of Novi Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Remetinečki gaj - the Beginning of a Systematic Urbanization...
City Public Spaces - Tradition and Contemporary Needs
Rad / Publikacija
City Public Spaces - Tradition and Contemporary Needs
About Plaster. Development and Production of Rendered Surfaces
Rad / Publikacija
About Plaster. Development and Production of Rendered Surfaces
Architectural Design Studio I - Contemporary Housing 2012/13- Selected Student Projects
Rad / Publikacija
Architectural Design Studio I - Contemporary Housing 2012/13-...
Zagreb Architecture Guide: an Anthology of 100 Buildings
Rad / Publikacija
Zagreb Architecture Guide: an Anthology of 100 Buildings
Learning Spaces in Transition
Rad / Publikacija
Learning Spaces in Transition
Pisarovina Municipality - Architectural Topography of Identity
Rad / Publikacija
Pisarovina Municipality - Architectural Topography of Identity...
Omnibus: Neven Šegvić
Rad / Publikacija
Omnibus: Neven Šegvić
Vol. 25 [2017] No. 1 [53]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 25 [2017] No. 1 [53]
Vol. 25 [2017] No. 2 [54]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 25 [2017] No. 2 [54]
20th Century Sacred Architecture of Zagreb. Catholic Liturgical Structures
Rad / Publikacija
20th Century Sacred Architecture of Zagreb. Catholic Liturgical...
Urbanizam. Uvod u detaljno urbanističko planiranje
Rad / Publikacija
Urbanizam. Uvod u detaljno urbanističko planiranje
Spatial and Urban Development of Osijek
Rad / Publikacija
Spatial and Urban Development of Osijek
Croatian Park Heritage - Protection and Restoration
Rad / Publikacija
Croatian Park Heritage - Protection and Restoration
Cultural Heritage – Possibilities for Spatial and Economic Development, proceedings
Rad / Publikacija
Cultural Heritage – Possibilities for Spatial and Economic Development,...
Manors and Gardens – Cultural Heritage as a Generator of Economic Development
Rad / Publikacija
Manors and Gardens – Cultural Heritage as a Generator of Economic...
Contemporary Use and Creative Management of Manors, Castllea and Villas
Rad / Publikacija
Contemporary Use and Creative Management of Manors, Castllea...
Modeli revitalizacije i unaprjeđenja kulturnog naslijeđa – multidisciplinarni dijalog
Rad / Publikacija
Modeli revitalizacije i unaprjeđenja kulturnog naslijeđa – multidisciplinarni...
Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio/Multi-purpose Pavilion, Selection of Students’ Works 2013/2014
Rad / Publikacija
Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio/Multi-purpose...
Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio / Selection of Students’ Works 2014/2015-2015/2016
Rad / Publikacija
Architecture and Integrated Disciplines Studio / Selection of...
Vernacular Architecture of Hvar Island Settlements and Architecture of Island Central Part
Rad / Publikacija
Vernacular Architecture of Hvar Island Settlements and Architecture...
Vol. 26 [2018] No. 1 [55]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 26 [2018] No. 1 [55]
Interior Design Studio - Selection of students' works in academic year 2014/2015
Rad / Publikacija
Interior Design Studio - Selection of students' works in academic...
Interior Design Studio - Selection of students' projects in academic year 2015/2016
Rad / Publikacija
Interior Design Studio - Selection of students' projects in academic...
City and its Hinterland
Rad / Publikacija
City and its Hinterland
Investigating the Participatory Potential of the Citizens in the Public Urban Space Planning in Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Investigating the Participatory Potential of the Citizens in...
Family house in Gunja
Rad / Publikacija
Family house in Gunja
Šegvić's Mediterranean: student travel book
Rad / Publikacija
Šegvić's Mediterranean: student travel book
Hommage to the Teacher - Dragomir Maji Vlahović
Rad / Publikacija
Hommage to the Teacher - Dragomir Maji Vlahović
English-Croatian Cultural Heritage Professional Glossary
Rad / Publikacija
English-Croatian Cultural Heritage Professional Glossary
Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
Materials and Structures in Landscape Architecture
Radnička Street in the Dis/appearing - Planning of the Southeast Entrance to Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Radnička Street in the Dis/appearing - Planning of the Southeast...
Images of Ivan (Giovanni)
Rad / Publikacija
Images of Ivan (Giovanni)
Architect Bruno Milić
Rad / Publikacija
Architect Bruno Milić
Six Views - Workshop AF/SC 6
Rad / Publikacija
Six Views - Workshop AF/SC 6
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2015/16
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2015/16
Cinema Samobor - Student Workshop
Rad / Publikacija
Cinema Samobor - Student Workshop
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Architecture and Children HURA ARHITEKTURA
Rad / Publikacija
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Architecture and...
Scientific Symposium on the Architect Boris Magaš - Conference Proceedings
Rad / Publikacija
Scientific Symposium on the Architect Boris Magaš - Conference...
The Car, a History
Rad / Publikacija
The Car, a History
The Affirmation of Zadar Peninsula
Rad / Publikacija
The Affirmation of Zadar Peninsula
Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030
Rad / Publikacija
Searching Identity - Mičevec 2030
Rad / Publikacija
On Croatian Architecture. Writings, Essays, Debates, Studies
Rad / Publikacija
On Croatian Architecture. Writings, Essays, Debates, Studies
Thinking Theory in the Architecture of Velimir Neidhardt
Rad / Publikacija
Thinking Theory in the Architecture of Velimir Neidhardt
Facta Architectonica 2
Rad / Publikacija
Facta Architectonica 2
Boris Magaš. Thoughts on Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
Boris Magaš. Thoughts on Architecture
A Considerate Approach to Space
Rad / Publikacija
A Considerate Approach to Space
Vol. 26 [2018] No. 2 [56]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 26 [2018] No. 2 [56]
Vol. 27 [2019] No. 1 [57]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 27 [2019] No. 1 [57]
Mare-Monti: A City between Foci
Rad / Publikacija
Mare-Monti: A City between Foci
Islamic Architecture and Art in Croatia, Ottoman and Contemporary Heritage
Rad / Publikacija
Islamic Architecture and Art in Croatia, Ottoman and Contemporary...
Buliding Structures II
Rad / Publikacija
Buliding Structures II
Who is Mr. Viktor Kovačić K.H.A.?
Rad / Publikacija
Who is Mr. Viktor Kovačić K.H.A.?
The Hidden School - EAAE Annual Conference 2019 - Book of Abstracts
Rad / Publikacija
The Hidden School - EAAE Annual Conference 2019 - Book of Abstracts
Vol. 27 [2019] No. 2 [58]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 27 [2019] No. 2 [58]
Summer school Ambientura - Pučišća 2014
Rad / Publikacija
Summer school Ambientura - Pučišća 2014
Summer school Ambientura - Pionirac 2016
Rad / Publikacija
Summer school Ambientura - Pionirac 2016
Summer school Ambientura - The Croatian Museum of Architecture 2018
Rad / Publikacija
Summer school Ambientura - The Croatian Museum of Architecture...
Architect Hildegard Auf-Franić
Rad / Publikacija
Architect Hildegard Auf-Franić
Renovation of a Traditional Dalmatian House
Rad / Publikacija
Renovation of a Traditional Dalmatian House
Architect Zoja Dumengjić
Rad / Publikacija
Architect Zoja Dumengjić
The City as an Identity System
Rad / Publikacija
The City as an Identity System
Introduction to the Physical Planning Legislation
Rad / Publikacija
Introduction to the Physical Planning Legislation
Introduction to Urban Planning
Rad / Publikacija
Introduction to Urban Planning
Transformation of Bastion Fortifications in European and Croatian Cities
Rad / Publikacija
Transformation of Bastion Fortifications in European and Croatian...
Burg Studies - Medieval Fortified Towns of Continental Croatia
Rad / Publikacija
Burg Studies - Medieval Fortified Towns of Continental Croatia
Medieval Burgs around the Sava and Kupa Rivers
Rad / Publikacija
Medieval Burgs around the Sava and Kupa Rivers
Petrinja. Spatial-historical Development of the City Read from Old Graphics, Plans and Maps
Rad / Publikacija
Petrinja. Spatial-historical Development of the City Read from...
Faculty of Architecture: Short Autobiography The Centennial Exhibition of Architectural Education
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture: Short Autobiography The Centennial Exhibition...
Architectural Dialogues
Rad / Publikacija
Architectural Dialogues
Zagreb - City Projects in the Process of City Planning
Rad / Publikacija
Zagreb - City Projects in the Process of City Planning
Fortified Monasteries on Croatian Soil
Rad / Publikacija
Fortified Monasteries on Croatian Soil
Vienna meets Zagreb. A comparative study of housing development in Vienna and Zagreb 1918-2007
Rad / Publikacija
Vienna meets Zagreb. A comparative study of housing development...
Zagreb - City Dwelling and Residential Estates
Rad / Publikacija
Zagreb - City Dwelling and Residential Estates
Urban planning 3 and 4
Rad / Publikacija
Urban planning 3 and 4
Urban recognition of costal and insular settlements: Dubrovnik - Elafiti 2005
Rad / Publikacija
Urban recognition of costal and insular settlements: Dubrovnik...
Željpoh Building in Zagreb - Discussions on Architectural Interpolation
Rad / Publikacija
Željpoh Building in Zagreb - Discussions on Architectural Interpolation
Zagreb - Trnje: Urban Planning Project of the Njivica Center Zone
Rad / Publikacija
Zagreb - Trnje: Urban Planning Project of the Njivica Center...
Orebić Coastline - Student Urban Planning and Architectural Workshop 2012
Rad / Publikacija
Orebić Coastline - Student Urban Planning and Architectural Workshop...
The School of the City - Dubrovnik 2012
Rad / Publikacija
The School of the City - Dubrovnik 2012
Research, Transformation and Reconstruction of the Island of Vir
Rad / Publikacija
Research, Transformation and Reconstruction of the Island of...
Lexicon of Architects in the Atlas of Croatian Architecture of the 20th Century
Rad / Publikacija
Lexicon of Architects in the Atlas of Croatian Architecture of...
History of Modern Architecture 1
Rad / Publikacija
History of Modern Architecture 1
History of Modern Architecture 2
Rad / Publikacija
History of Modern Architecture 2
The Theory and History of Design: A Criticak Anthology
Rad / Publikacija
The Theory and History of Design: A Criticak Anthology
FR - Architectural designs 2004-2009
Rad / Publikacija
FR - Architectural designs 2004-2009
English for Architecture and Urban Planning
Rad / Publikacija
English for Architecture and Urban Planning
AF/SC Workshop 2010-2014
Rad / Publikacija
AF/SC Workshop 2010-2014
English-Croatian Professional Glossary for urban and physical planners, architects and landscape architects
Rad / Publikacija
English-Croatian Professional Glossary for urban and physical...
Boris Magaš - Reflections on Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
Boris Magaš - Reflections on Architecture
Elementary schools
Rad / Publikacija
Elementary schools
Marijan Hržić - Outlines of an Ouevre
Rad / Publikacija
Marijan Hržić - Outlines of an Ouevre
Dalmatia Praeromanica: Early Medevial Architecture in Dalmatia
Rad / Publikacija
Dalmatia Praeromanica: Early Medevial Architecture in Dalmatia
Dubrovnik - the Centre behind teh City : A Study into Urban Transformation
Rad / Publikacija
Dubrovnik - the Centre behind teh City : A Study into Urban Transformation
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2011/12
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2011/12
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2013/14
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2013/14
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2014/15
Rad / Publikacija
Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2014/15
Vol. 28 [2020] No. 1 [59]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 28 [2020] No. 1 [59]
Manual for Seismic Retrofitting of the Existing Masonry Buildings
Rad / Publikacija
Manual for Seismic Retrofitting of the Existing Masonry Buildings
Techniques for the Repair and Strengthening of the Masonry Buildings
Rad / Publikacija
Techniques for the Repair and Strengthening of the Masonry Buildings
Studies on the Architecture of Synagogues in Croatia – Selected papers
Rad / Publikacija
Studies on the Architecture of Synagogues in Croatia – Selected...
A Pavilion and Three Potential Places
Rad / Publikacija
A Pavilion and Three Potential Places
Reading the City - Urban Structure of Mostar from 1440 to 1878
Rad / Publikacija
Reading the City - Urban Structure of Mostar from 1440 to 1878
Vol. 28 [2020] No. 2 [60]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 28 [2020] No. 2 [60]
Castle Studies - Castles in Banovina at the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century
Rad / Publikacija
Castle Studies - Castles in Banovina at the end of the 15th and...
Boris Magaš: Sports Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
Boris Magaš: Sports Architecture
Growing up With Architecture - Kindergartens and Schools of the 21st century
Rad / Publikacija
Growing up With Architecture - Kindergartens and Schools of the...
Space around me - Architectural textbook for inquisitive children
Rad / Publikacija
Space around me - Architectural textbook for inquisitive children
Types of Standardized Houses in Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
Rad / Publikacija
Types of Standardized Houses in Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
Twenty-Five Centuries of Urban Culture in Croatia
Rad / Publikacija
Twenty-Five Centuries of Urban Culture in Croatia
 Citizen Participation in Planning and Designing Public Spaces - Bottom-Up Approach Using the Example of the City of Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Citizen Participation in Planning and Designing Public Spaces...
Vol. 29 [2021] No. 1 [61]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 29 [2021] No. 1 [61]
Rijeka Within the Reach of the City Urban Ideas about the Sava in Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Rijeka Within the Reach of the City Urban Ideas about the Sava...
Lebbeus Woods: Zagreb Free Zone Revisited
Rad / Publikacija
Lebbeus Woods: Zagreb Free Zone Revisited
Design as a Factor of Urban Renewal and Contemporary Development
Rad / Publikacija
Design as a Factor of Urban Renewal and Contemporary Development
The Chapel of the Miraculous Virgin of the Oak in Vukovar – History and Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
The Chapel of the Miraculous Virgin of the Oak in Vukovar – History...
International Summer School of Architecture Lopud 2021
Rad / Publikacija
International Summer School of Architecture Lopud 2021
Vol. 29 [2021] No. 2 [62]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 29 [2021] No. 2 [62]
Synergy - Conceptual Comprehensive Solution of Public Space within the Lower Town Block
Rad / Publikacija
Synergy - Conceptual Comprehensive Solution of Public Space within...
School Forum: Redux
Rad / Publikacija
School Forum: Redux
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 1 [63]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 1 [63]
Lower Town Block - Urban Artifact Renovation
Rad / Publikacija
Lower Town Block - Urban Artifact Renovation
Heating Installations - Script for Students of the Faculty of Architecture
Rad / Publikacija
Heating Installations - Script for Students of the Faculty of...
Architectural Acoustics
Rad / Publikacija
Architectural Acoustics
Concrete Building Structures
Rad / Publikacija
Concrete Building Structures
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 2 [64]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 2 [64]
Origins of Zagreb Interiors: Private Spaces
Rad / Publikacija
Origins of Zagreb Interiors: Private Spaces
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 1 [65]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 1 [65]
Zagreb of Većeslav Holjevac from 1952 to 1963 – Urbanistic Vision and Architectural Achievements
Rad / Publikacija
Zagreb of Većeslav Holjevac from 1952 to 1963 – Urbanistic Vision...
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 2 [66]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 2 [66]
Šibenik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
Rad / Publikacija
Šibenik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
Dubrovnik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
Rad / Publikacija
Dubrovnik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
The City and the Islands
Rad / Publikacija
The City and the Islands
Urban Renewal – Urban Rehabilitation of the Lower Town, Upper Town, and Kaptol / Historical Urban Areas of the City of Zagreb
Rad / Publikacija
Urban Renewal – Urban Rehabilitation of the Lower Town, Upper...
Through the Market - Research on the Social and Physical Aspects of City Markets
Rad / Publikacija
Through the Market - Research on the Social and Physical Aspects...
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [67]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [67]
Inclusive Design
Rad / Publikacija
Inclusive Design
Private Space in a Collectivist Setting: Housing in Zagreb 1945–1975
Rad / Publikacija
Private Space in a Collectivist Setting: Housing in Zagreb 1945–1975
Mathematics for Architecture and Design Students
Rad / Publikacija
Mathematics for Architecture and Design Students
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [68]
Rad / Publikacija
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [68]
See all

Research works

Pogledaj sve
Towards a Virtual Soundwalk
Rad / Stručni rad
Towards a Virtual Soundwalk
Analiza i procjena stanja zaštite arheoloških nalazišta Sesveta - prilog metodi analize i procjene u kontekstu integralne zaštite
Rad / Stručni rad
Analiza i procjena stanja zaštite arheoloških nalazišta Sesveta...
Upravljanje arheološkim naslijeđem - Proces povezan s urbanističkim i prostornim planiranjem
Rad / Stručni rad
Upravljanje arheološkim naslijeđem - Proces povezan s urbanističkim...
Prostorno-urbanistički aspekti zaštite nepokretnog arheološkog naslijeđa - Međunarodni i nacionalni dokumenti o zaštiti
Rad / Stručni rad
Prostorno-urbanistički aspekti zaštite nepokretnog arheološkog...
Perceiving Heritage vs. Awareness of Heritage
Rad / Stručni rad
Perceiving Heritage vs. Awareness of Heritage
Urbanscape Emanation vs. Types of Landscape
Rad / Stručni rad
Urbanscape Emanation vs. Types of Landscape
Cultural Urban Heritage - Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies
Rad / Stručni rad
Cultural Urban Heritage - Development, Learning and Landscape...
Heritage Urbanism
Rad / Stručni rad
Heritage Urbanism
Restoring Identity of Heritage Sites in Urban, Sea and Hinterland Scapes of Galicia, Croatia and Montenegro
Rad / Stručni rad
Restoring Identity of Heritage Sites in Urban, Sea and Hinterland...
Heritage Urbanism
Rad / Stručni rad
Heritage Urbanism
The Other Design History
Rad / Stručni rad
The Other Design History
Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic Core and their Redevelopment
Rad / Stručni rad
Medulin’s Boogie-Woogie: Public Spaces in Medulin’s Historic...
Remetinečki gaj - the Beginning of a Systematic Urbanization of Novi Zagreb
Rad / Stručni rad
Remetinečki gaj - the Beginning of a Systematic Urbanization...
City Public Spaces - Tradition and Contemporary Needs
Rad / Stručni rad
City Public Spaces - Tradition and Contemporary Needs
Dizajn izložbenih postava prve avangarde
Rad / Stručni rad
Dizajn izložbenih postava prve avangarde
City and its Hinterland
Rad / Stručni rad
City and its Hinterland
Scientific Symposium on the Architect Boris Magaš - Conference Proceedings
Rad / Stručni rad
Scientific Symposium on the Architect Boris Magaš - Conference...
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 2 [64]
Rad / Stručni rad
Vol. 30 [2022] No. 2 [64]
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 1 [65]
Rad / Stručni rad
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 1 [65]
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 2 [66]
Rad / Stručni rad
Vol. 31 [2023] No. 2 [66]
Šibenik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
Rad / Stručni rad
Šibenik - Settlement Planning and Urban Transformation
The City and the Islands
Rad / Stručni rad
The City and the Islands
Urban Renewal – Urban Rehabilitation of the Lower Town, Upper Town, and Kaptol / Historical Urban Areas of the City of Zagreb
Rad / Stručni rad
Urban Renewal – Urban Rehabilitation of the Lower Town, Upper...
Through the Market - Research on the Social and Physical Aspects of City Markets
Rad / Stručni rad
Through the Market - Research on the Social and Physical Aspects...
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [67]
Rad / Stručni rad
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [67]
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [68]
Rad / Stručni rad
Vol. 32 [2024] No. 2 [68]
See all